e/International Grooving & Grinding Association

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has glosseng: The International Grooving & Grinding Association (IGGA) is a non-profit trade association founded in 1972 that represents the industry that performs grooving and grinding of both concrete and asphalt surfaces in addition to Concrete Pavement Restoration (CPR) and Concrete Pavement Preservation (CPP) methods. CPR and CPP methods are a series of engineered techniques developed during the last 40 years to manage the rate of pavement deterioration in concrete streets, highways and airports. A non-overlay option used to repair areas of distress in concrete pavement without changing its grade, CPR restores the pavement to a condition close to or better than original as well as reduces the need for major and more costly repairs later. CPP/CPR addresses the cause of pavement distress, minimizing further deterioration. Covering road distress with an asphalt overlay does not correct the cause and will eventually manifest itself again, usually as a larger, more expensive problem. Asphalt overlays typically last eight to 12 years, whereas CPP and CPR last up to 30 years.
lexicalizationeng: International Grooving & Grinding Association
instance ofc/Companies based in New York
media:imgIGGA Logo.jpg


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