e/House of Representatives

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has glosseng: A House of Representatives is a part of some legislatures, which are law-making bodies. In a House of Representatives, the members are called representatives. For example, the legislature of the United States, called Congress, is made up of two parts. One of these parts is called the House of Representatives and the other one is called the Senate. A representative in the United States Congress is a "U.S. Representative". Many state legislatures in the United States also have Houses of Representatives. A representative in one of those state houses is a State Representative.
has glosseng: House of Representatives is the name of any, many legislative bodies in many countries and sub-national states. In some countries, the House of Representatives is the lower house of a bicameral legislature, with the corresponding upper house often called a "senate". In other countries, the House of Representatives is the sole chamber of a unicameral legislature. The functioning of a house of representatives can vary greatly from country to country, and depends on whether a country has a parliamentary or a presidential system. Members of a house of representatives are typically apportioned according to population rather than geography.
lexicalizationeng: House of representatives
instance of(noun) a legislative assembly in certain countries
has glosscat: La Cambra de Representants és el nom de diverses assemblees legislatives de molts Estats del món. En alguns països, la Cambra de Representants és la cambra baixa duna assemblea bicameral. En daltres, és l'única cambra parlamentària.
lexicalizationcat: Cambra de Representants
has glossdeu: Das Repräsentantenhaus ist ein Organ der Legislative. Es bezeichnet meist das Unterhaus in einem Parlament, das aus zwei Kammern besteht. Das Oberhaus wird in diesem Fall häufig Senat genannt. Es gibt jedoch auch Länder in denen das Parlament nur aus einer Kammer besteht und als Repräsentantenhaus bezeichnet wird.
lexicalizationdeu: Repräsentantenhaus
has glosspor: Câmara dos Representantes (ou Casa dos Representantes) é um termo utilizado para descrever um corpo legislativo de diversos países, sendo geralmente a Casa dos Representantes a câmara inferior, e o Senado a câmara superior. Duas Câmaras de Representantes internacionalmente conhecidas são as Câmara dos Representantes do Estados Unidos da América (além do país, cada Estado americano possui sua própria Câmara dos Representantes) e do Japão.
lexicalizationpor: Câmara dos Representantes
has glosstha: สภาผู้แทนราษฎร เป็นหน่วยหนึ่งในกระบวนการนิติบัญญัติ โดยทั่วไปมักเป็นสภาล่างในระบบสภาคู่
lexicalizationtha: สภาผู้แทนราษฎร
Yue Chinese
has glossyue: 眾議院係兩院制國家或者地區嘅較低級別嘅議會。
lexicalizationyue: 眾議院
has glosszho: 众议院是两院制国家的议会的下议院,有些国家称为第二院,众议院的议员人数是按各地人口多少的比例分配的。
lexicalizationzho: 众议院
lexicalizationzho: 眾議院


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