e/Great Lakes refugee crisis

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has glosseng: The Great Lakes refugee crisis is the common name for the situation beginning with the exodus in April 1994 of over two million Rwandans to neighboring countries of the Great Lakes region of Africa in the aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide. Many of the refugees were Hutu ethnics fleeing the predominantly Tutsi Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF), which invaded to end the Rwandan Genocide. However, the humanitarian relief effort was vastly complicated by the presence among the refugees of many of the Interahamwe and government officials who carried out the genocide, who used the refugee camps as bases to launch attacks against the new government led by Paul Kagame. The camps in Zaire became particularly politicized and militarized. The knowledge that humanitarian aid was being diverted to further the aims of the genocidaires led many humanitarian organizations to withdraw their assistance.
lexicalizationeng: Great Lakes Refugee Crisis
instance of(noun) shelter for persons displaced by war or political oppression or for religious beliefs
camp, refugee camp
has glossita: Lespressione Crisi dei Grandi Laghi (o Crisi dei profughi dei Grandi Laghi) si riferisce alla migrazione forzata di oltre due milioni di profughi ruandesi avvenuta nel 1994 a causa degli eventi successivi al genocidio del Ruanda. I profughi erano principalmente di etnia Hutu, in fuga dalle azioni di rappresaglia che i Tutsi del Fronte Patriottico Ruandese (RPF) stavano mettendo in atto nel corso dellinvasione del Ruanda. Molti di questi profughi trovarono rifugio in Zaire (oggi Repubblica Democratica del Congo), ma quasi tutti gli stati della regione dei Grandi Laghi furono interessati dalla migrazione.
lexicalizationita: Crisi dei Grandi Laghi
has glossspa: La gran crisis de refugiados de los Grandes Lagos fue el conjunto de migración, deportación y genocidio en esa zona de África que se inició en 1994 con el éxodo de más de 2 millones de ruandeses como corolario del terrible genocidio que transcurría en es país. Todas estas personas se refugiaron en los países colindantes, desglosándose de la siguiente manera:
lexicalizationspa: Gran crisis de refugiados de los Grandes Lagos
media:imgBodies of Rwandan refugees DF-ST-02-03035.jpg
media:imgFlag of Burundi.svg
media:imgFlag of Tanzania.svg
media:imgFlag of Uganda.svg
media:imgFlag of Zaire.svg
media:imgRwandan Genocide Murambi skulls.jpg
media:imgRwandan refugee camp in east Zaire.jpg
media:imgSETAF HISTORY 0004.JPEG
media:imgSake, Zaire refugees 1996.jpg
media:imgZaire 97 kivus.jpg


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