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has glosseng: A fossorial organism is one that is adapted to digging and life underground such as the badger, the naked mole rat, and the mole salamanders Ambystomatidae. It is an adjective most commonly used as to describe the habit of living underground, even if the physical adaptations are minimal - thus, most bees and many wasps are called "fossorial Hymenoptera", and a great many rodents are considered fossorial. Some organisms are fossorial to aid in temperature regulation, while others utilize the underground habitat for protection from predators or food.
lexicalizationeng: fossorial
instance of(noun) the type of environment in which an organism or group normally lives or occurs; "a marine habitat"; "he felt safe on his home grounds"
habitat, home ground
has glosssrp: Фосоријални организам је животна форма животиња којa поседујe адаптације за копање подлоге . Већина фосоријалних врста води подземан начин живота, док поједине врсте живе надземно. Назив фосоријалан се стога понекад ограничава само на подземне организме, док се надземни организми способни да копају називају семифосоријални (полуфосоријални) .
lexicalizationsrp: Фосоријални организам
media:imgBrutroehre Riparia riparia.JPG
media:imgMole cricket02.jpg


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