e/Disc dog

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has glosseng: Disc dog is the more generic name for what is commonly called Frisbee dog. In disc dog competitions, dogs and their human disc throwers compete in events such as distance catching and somewhat choreographed freestyle catching. The sport celebrates the bond between handler and dog, by allowing them to work together. The term "disc" is preferred because "Frisbee" is a trademark (held by Wham-O) for a brand of flying disc.
lexicalizationeng: Disc dogs
lexicalizationeng: disc dog
subclass ofc/Dogs
has instancee/Zeke the Wonder Dog
has glossces: Dogfrisbee je frisbee, které hrají psi. Psovod a pes tvoří dohromady jeden tým.
lexicalizationces: dogfrisbee
has glossdeu: Der Begriff Discdogging, auch Dog Frisbee genannt, bezeichnet eine Hundesportart mit einer Wurfscheibe. In der einfachsten Variante wirft ein Mensch ein Frisbee und der Hund bringt es zurück. Durch unterschiedliche Varianten und das Einüben verschiedener Tricks kann der Sport individuell und auf Turnierebene betrieben werden.
lexicalizationdeu: Discdogging
has glossfra: Le Disc Dog ou Frisbee Dog est un sport relativement peu connu en francophonie, qui consiste à faire rattraper au vol par un chien, un frisbee lancé par son maître. Ce jeu, né aux États-Unis, y est devenu très populaire.
lexicalizationfra: Disc Dog
has glossita: Disc dog è il nome più generico dello sport comunemente chiamato Frisbee dog. Nelle gare di disc dog, i cani ed i loro accompagnatori umani gareggiano in eventi come prese di distanza e routine di freestyle. Il termine "disc" è preferibile al termine "Frisbee" perché è un marchio registrato da Wham-O.
lexicalizationita: Disc dog
has glossjpn: ディスクドッグ競技(ディスクドッグきょうぎ、)は、競技者(人間)と競技犬とのペアで行うドッグスポーツの一種。
lexicalizationjpn: ディスクドッグ競技
has glosspol: Dog Frisbee – sport, polegający na rzucaniu dyskiem frisbee przez człowieka i chwytaniu go przez psa.
lexicalizationpol: Dog frisbee
media:imgDisk dogging 1.jpg
media:imgDisk dogging 2.jpg


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