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has glosseng: Depressants are psychoactive drugs which temporarily diminish the function or activity of a specific part of the body or mind. Examples of these kinds of effects may include anxiolysis, sedation, and hypotension. Due to their effects typically having a "down" quality to them, depressants are also occasionally referred to as "downers". Stimulants or "uppers", which increase mental and/or physical function, are in stark contrast to depressants and are considered to be their functional opposites. Depressants are widely used throughout the world as prescription medicines and as illicit substances. When these are used, effects may include anxiolysis, analgesia, sedation, somnolence, cognitive/memory impairment, dissociation, muscle relaxation, lowered blood pressure/heart rate, respiratory depression, anesthesia, and anticonvulsant effects. Some are also capable of inducing feelings of euphoria. Depressants exert their effects through a number of different pharmacological mechanisms, the most prominent of which include facilitation of GABA and/or opioid activity, and inhibition of adrenergic, histamine and/or acetylcholine activity.
lexicalizationeng: depressant
instance of(noun) a substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic
has glossbul: Депресантите (от - подтискане) са група вещества, които избирателно подтискат една или няколко функции в организма. Терминът най-често се използва по отношение на веществата и лекарствата, които подтискат централната нервна система.
lexicalizationbul: депресант
has glossest: Depressant on üldnimetus ainetele, mis pärsivad, pidurdavad või suruvad alla teatud närvisüsteemi funktsioone.
lexicalizationest: depressant
has glossfin: Depressantti on elintoimintoja lamaannuttava aine. Termiä käytetään etenkin keskushermoston yhteydessä. Tunnetuin päihteenä käytetty depressantti on alkoholi. Yleensä depressantit jaotellaan kuitenkin unilääkkeisiin sekä rauhoittaviin lääkkeisiin eli sedatiiveihin. Sedatiivien toiminta perustuu niiden kykyyn aktivoida keskushermoston välittäjäaineita, erityisesti gamma-aminovoihappoa (GABA).
lexicalizationfin: depressantti
has glossfra: Un dépresseur est une substance qui ralentit l'activité du système nerveux central.
lexicalizationfra: Depresseur
lexicalizationfra: dépresseur
has glossglg: As drogas depresoras do Sistema Nervioso Central (SNC) son substancias que bloquean o funcionamento do cerebro provocando reaccións que poden ir dende a desinhibición ata o coma, en un proceso progresivo de adormecemento cerebral.
lexicalizationglg: Drogas depresoras
has glosspol: Depresanty - grupa środków psychoaktywnych działających depresyjnie na ośrodkowy układ nerwowy (uspokajająco, relaksująco, usypiająco, przeciwlękowo i spowalniająco).
lexicalizationpol: Depresanty
has glosspor: Uma droga depressante é um agente químico que diminui a função ou atividade de uma parte específica do corpo (também veja sedativo). O termo é em particular usado sobre o sistema nervoso central (SNC). Álcool é o exemplo mais comum de um depressante. Muitos depressantes quando agem no SNC aumentam a atividade de um neurotransmissor particular conhecido como ácido gama-aminobutírico (GABA), embora outros alvos como o receptor NMDA, recepto mu-opióide e receptor cannabinóide CB1 também podem ser importantes, dependendo qual droga é envolvida.
lexicalizationpor: depressante
has glossrus: Депрессанты — любые средства, угнетающие ЦНС или подавляющие и снижающие некоторые аспекты её деятельности.
lexicalizationrus: Депрессанты
has glossspa: Un depresor es una sustancia química que ralentiza la actividad del sistema nervioso central. Los depresores son utilizados en medicina como ansiolíticos, sedantes o somníferos. También son utilizados con fines no terapéuticos como drogas lúcidas o de abuso.
lexicalizationspa: Depresores
lexicalizationspa: depresor
has glosssrp: Депресанти су група дрога која изазива стање дубоке релаксације, апатије, летаргије и депресије инхибирајући одговоре на акције централног нервног система. Најпознатији су барбитурати и транквилајзери. Чешћи улични назив је „даунери“.
lexicalizationsrp: Депресанти
has glosszho: 镇静剂是一個化學上的作用物,用作減少身體某一部份的機能或是活動 ,有助於缓解人们的抑郁及焦虑;它们通常被用作治療精神紧张的病者,服用其藥物時也不會影响到正常的大脑活动。鎮靜劑也會被人們作為濫用藥物,例如是佐匹克隆、氟硝四泮等藥物,其濫用後果包括損壞其神經及認知的運動機能 。
lexicalizationzho: 鎮靜劑
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