e/Cinna latifolia

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has glosseng: Cinna latifolia is a species of grass known by the common name drooping woodreed. It is native to the Northern Hemisphere, where it has a circumboreal distribution. It grows in moist habitat, such as forest understory and riverbanks. It reaches nearly two meters in maximum height. The inflorescence is an open array of spikelets generally green to purple-tinted in color. It flowers in late summer and fall.
lexicalizationeng: Cinna latifolia
instance of(noun) a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently
being, organism
has glossfin: Hajuheinä (Cinna latifolia) on monivuotinen lehdoissa tavattava rauhoitettu kasvi.
lexicalizationfin: Hajuheinä
has glossswe: Sötgräs (Cinna latifolia) är ett sällsynt flerårigt gräs, ofta högväxande och med sötaktig doft. Första fyndet av gräset gjordes i Hassela socken, Hälsingland. Det förekommer från Värmland till Ångermanland.
lexicalizationswe: Sötgräs


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