e/Canopy bed

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has glosseng: A canopy bed is a decorative bed somewhat similar to a four poster bed. A typical canopy bed usually features posts at each of the four corners extending four feet high or more above the mattress. Ornate or decorative fabric is often draped across the upper space between the posts and a solid swath of cloth may create a ceiling, or canopy directly over the bed.
lexicalizationeng: Canopy Bed
instance of(noun) a piece of furniture that provides a place to sleep; "he sat on the edge of the bed"; "the room had only a bed and chair"
has glossfra: Lit à baldaquin. Un lit à baldaquin est un lit dont le ciel est tenu au mur, en porte à faux. Il ne faut pas le confondre avec un lit à courtines (en anglais : four poster bed), dont le ciel est tenu par quatre colonnes.
lexicalizationfra: Lit a baldaquin
lexicalizationfra: Lit à baldaquin
media:imgCanopy Bed.jpg


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