e/Café Procope

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has glosseng: Café Procope, in rue de l'Ancienne Comédie, 6th arrondissement, is one of the oldest restaurants of Paris. It was opened in 1686 by the Sicilian Francesco Procopio dei Coltelli, with a slyly subversive name adopted from the historian Procopius, whose Secret History, the Anekdota, long known of, had been discovered in the Vatican Library and published for the first time ever in 1623: it told the scandals of Emperor Justinian, his ex-dancer Empress, and his court.
lexicalizationeng: Cafe Procope
lexicalizationeng: Café Procope
instance of(noun) a building where people go to eat
restaurant, eating place, eatery, eating house
has glossdeu: Das Café Procope - auch Le Procope genannt - gilt als das wohl älteste existierende Restaurant und sogenanntes "großes Kaffeehaus" der Welt, das sich direkt im Quartier Latin in Paris befindet. Bekannt wurde es als Treffpunkt von Schriftstellern und Künstlern der Aufklärung.
lexicalizationdeu: Cafe Procope
lexicalizationdeu: Café Procope
lexicalizationepo: Kafejo Procope
has glossfra: Le café Procope est un célèbre, et lun des plus anciens, cafés-restaurants de Paris. Il se situe au 13, rue de lAncienne-Comédie, dans le 6 arrondissement. Il est également accessible par le passage de la Cour du Commerce-Saint-André.
lexicalizationfra: Cafe Procope
lexicalizationfra: café Procope
has glossita: Il Café Le Procope è il primo caffè di Parigi, secondo molti anche il più antico caffè d'Europa.
lexicalizationita: Café Procope
has glossrus: Кафе Прокоп — считается старейшим рестораном в Париже, находится в Латинском квартале, на улице Ансьен-Комеди (rue de l’Ancienne-Comedie), рядом с перекрёстком Одеона. Излюбленное место встреч писателей и деятелей искусства в эпоху Просвещения.
lexicalizationrus: Кафе Прокоп
has glossspa: El Procope es uno de los más famosos y antiguos bares-restaurante de París. Situado en el 6º distrito, en la rue de lAncienne-Comédie, 12. Es una cafetería de artistas e intelectuales que Voltaire, Diderot y dAlembert frecuentaban.
lexicalizationspa: Cafe Procope
lexicalizationspa: Café Procope
lexicalizationvie: Café Procope
geo locgeographic location 48.852496 2.3388112
media:imgBen Franklin plaque.jpg
media:imgLe Procope 18th century style.jpg
media:imgNapoleon's hat at Cafe Procope.jpg
media:imgVoltaire and Diderot at the Café Procope.jpeg


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