e/Almost periodic function

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has glosseng: In mathematics, an almost periodic function is, loosely speaking, a function of a real number that is periodic to within any desired level of accuracy, given suitably long "almost-periods". The concept was first studied by Harald Bohr and later generalized by Vyacheslav Stepanov, Hermann Weyl and Abram Samoilovitch Besicovitch, amongst others. There is also a notion of almost periodic functions on locally compact abelian groups, first studied by John von Neumann.
lexicalizationeng: Almost periodic functions
lexicalizationeng: almost periodic function
lexicalizationeng: Almost-periodic function
instance ofe/Topological group
has glossfra: En mathématiques, et plus précisément en analyse, une fonction presque périodique est une application dont les propriétés ressemblent à celles d'une fonction périodique.
lexicalizationfra: Fonction presque periodique
lexicalizationfra: fonction presque périodique
has glosszho: 在数学中,概周期函数(或殆周期函数)是一类有近似于周期性质的函数,是连续週期函數的推廣。不同的周期函数由于周期不尽相同,其和、差或乘积不一定再是周期函数。概周期函数尽管未必有严格的周期性,但可拥有一些比周期函数更好的性质。这一概念首先于1925年被丹麦数学家哈那德·玻尔引進,后来赫曼·外尔、贝西科维奇等人也有研究和推广 。贝西科维奇因概周期函数方面的贡献获得了1931年剑桥大学的亚当斯奖 。
lexicalizationzho: 概周期函数


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