e/2006 Russian March

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has glosseng: The 2006 Russian March (, Russkiy marsh) was an extensive enterprise on organizing the wide-ranging nationalist public mass demonstration, one of annual Russian marches in several major Russian cities under the slogan "it's our country" , attached to November 4, 2006, the Day of National Unity. Among the most notable participants were the Movement Against Illegal Immigration, the main organiser of rallies, Eurasian Youth Union, the Communist Youth Vanguard, the National State Party of Russia and the State Duma deputy Nikolay Kuryanovich who was excluded from the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia for his sympathy with the March. The March was also supported by the Deputy Chief of the Moscow branch of Yabloko Alexey Navalny. Other participants were the National Patriotic Front "Memory", the "Truth" Community, the Russian National Union, the Russian Social Movement and the "Russian Order" Movement. The final destination for gatherings in Moscow became the Slavyanskaya Square, though the March was banned by city mayor Yuriy Luzhkov on October 31.
lexicalizationeng: 2006 Russian March
instance of(noun) a formally arranged gathering; "next year the meeting will be in Chicago"; "the meeting elected a chairperson"
meeting, group meeting
has glossrus: «Русский марш 2006» — обобщённое название для шествий, митингов и демонстраций русских националистических движений 4 ноября 2006.
lexicalizationrus: Русский марш 2006
lexicalizationrus: Русский марш
media:imgMikhail Fyodorovich.jpg
media:imgMoscow Russian March 2006.jpg


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