deu: zerfallen

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means(verb) break into parts or components or lose cohesion or unity; "The material disintegrated"; "the group disintegrated after the leader died"
means(verb) lose a stored charge, magnetic flux, or current; "the particles disintegrated during the nuclear fission process"
disintegrate, decompose, decay
means(verb) undergo decay or decomposition; "The body started to decay and needed to be cremated"
means(verb) fall into decay or ruin; "The unoccupied house started to decay"
decay, crumble, dilapidate
means(verb) fall apart; "the building crumbled after the explosion"; "Negotiations broke down"
collapse, crumple, break down, crumble, tumble
means(verb) go to pieces; "The lawn mower finally broke"; "The gears wore out"; "The old chair finally fell apart completely"
wear, wear out, break, fall apart, bust
means(verb) grow worse; "Conditions in the slum worsened"
worsen, decline
means(verb) decrease in size, extent, or range; "The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester"; "The cabin pressure fell dramatically"; "her weight fell to under a hundred pounds"; "his voice fell to a whisper"
fall, decrease, diminish, lessen
means(verb) break down; "The bodies decomposed in the heat"
moulder, decompose, molder, rot


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