deu: mangelhaft

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means(adjective) of a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement; "insufficient funds"
insufficient, deficient
means(adjective) inadequate in amount or degree; "a deficient education"; "deficient in common sense"; "lacking in stamina"; "tested and found wanting"
lacking, deficient, wanting
means(adjective) not sufficient to meet a need; "an inadequate income"; "a poor salary"; "money is short"; "on short rations"; "food is in short supply"; "short on experience"
short, inadequate, poor
means(adjective) lacking the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task; "inadequate training"; "the staff was inadequate"; "she was unequal to the task"
unequal, inadequate
means(adjective) not giving satisfaction; "shops should take back unsatisfactory goods"; "her performance proved to be unsatisfactory"; "life is becoming increasingly unsatifactory"; "our discussion was very unsatisfactory"
means(adverb) in an inadequate manner or to an inadequate degree; "the temporary camps were inadequately equipped"


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