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means(verb) reach, make, or come to a decision about something; "We finally decided after lengthy deliberations"
make up one's mind, decide, determine
means(verb) reach a decision; "he resolved never to drink again"
purpose, resolve
means(verb) establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment, survey, or study; "find the product of two numbers"; "The physicist who found the elusive particle won the Nobel Prize"
ascertain, find out, find, determine
means(verb) make final; put the last touches on; put into final form; "let's finalize the proposal"
nail down, finalize, finalise, settle
means(verb) find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of; "did you solve the problem?"; "Work out your problems with the boss"; "this unpleasant situation isn't going to work itself out"; "did you get it?"; "Did you get my meaning?"; "He could not work the math problem"
lick, solve, puzzle out, work out, work, figure out


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