c/Research projects

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lexicalizationeng: Research projects
subclass of(noun) activity directed toward making or doing something; "she checked several points needing further work"
Note: 32 other instance(s) ommited in the following list
has instancee/de/E-DeMa
has instancee/de/Heidelberger Drogenbogen
has instancee/de/INDECT
has instancec/de/Forschungsprojekt Geschichte Frühe Neuzeit
has instancee/de/OPTFUEL
has instancee/de/PRIME
has instancee/de/Sonderforschungsbereich 700: "Governance in Räumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit: Neue Formen des Regierens"
has instancee/de/Tübinger Jungtäter-Vergleichsuntersuchung
has instancee/1970 British Cohort Study
has instancee/Alvey
has instancee/Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring
has instancee/Bombay Before the British
has instancee/Catcher's Mitt
has instancee/Co-Extra
has instancee/CoSMoS
has instancee/Combat Zones That See
has instancee/DARPA XG
has instancee/Discovering the Educational Consequences of Advanced Technical Education
has instancee/Dye3
has instancee/ESPRID
has instancee/Greenland ice core project
has instancee/Health and Ageing
has instancee/Herbar Digital
has instancee/Hybrid Insect Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems
has instancee/LUNIT Project
has instancee/MAPGAC
has instancee/Maudsley Bipolar Twin Study
has instancee/Minerva research initiative
has instancee/Minnesota Texas Adoption Research Project
has instancee/Monterey Accelerated Research System
has instancee/Motherisk
has instancee/National Child Development Study
has instancee/National Comorbidity Survey
has instancee/Penny Black (research project)
has instancee/Project MATCH
has instancee/Proto 2
has instancee/Strategic Content Alliance
has instancee/The Gothenburg Study of Children with DAMP
has instancee/Theban Mapping Project
has instancee/Webclopedia
has glossdeu: Ein Forschungsprojekt ist ein befristetes Vorhaben eines oder mehrerer Wissenschaftler bzw. eines Instituts mit dem Ziel, zu neuen Erkenntnissen in einem wichtigen oder besonders aktuellen Thema der Forschung zu kommen. Es wird i.a. nicht aus dem laufenden Budget des Instituts finanziert, sondern durch "Drittmittel" (Forschungsfonds, öffentliche oder industrielle Fördergelder).
lexicalizationdeu: Forschungsprojekt


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