Resource: wordnet/30/adv/further_4_02_02

This page describes the entity referred to by the URI A machine-readable RDF version of this description is provided here.

rdfs:commentto or at a greater extent or degree or a more advanced stage (`further' is used more often than `farther' in this abstract sense); "further complicated by uncertainty about the future"; "let's not discuss it further"; "nothing could be further from the truth"; "they are further along in their research than we expected"; "the application of the law was extended farther"; "he is going no farther in his studies" ('en' language string)
rdfs:labelfarther ('en' language string)
rdfs:labelfurther ('en' language string)
skos:noteThis resource corresponds to the meaning of the gloss text. It shares its meaning with that of the synonym set rather than denoting the WordNet synset. ('en' language string) 2008-2022 Gerard de Melo.   Contact   Data Sources   Legal Information / Imprint