Information | |
has gloss | (verb) approach with an offer of sexual favors; "he was solicited by a prostitute"; "The young man was caught soliciting in the park" accost, hook, solicit |
lexicalization | eng: accost |
lexicalization | eng: hook |
lexicalization | eng: solicit |
subclass of | (verb) make available or accessible, provide or furnish; "The conference center offers a health spa"; "The hotel offers private meeting rooms" offer |
Meaning | |
Catalan | |
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lexicalization | cat: acostar |
Danish | |
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lexicalization | dan: antaste |
Estonian | |
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lexicalization | est: kõnetama |
Hungarian | |
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lexicalization | hun: leszólít |
Italian | |
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lexicalization | ita: approdare |
lexicalization | ita: abbordare |
Occitan (post 1500) | |
lexicalization | oci: abordar |
Portuguese | |
lexicalization | por: abordar |
Swedish | |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | swe: tilltala |
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