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has gloss(noun) an authoritative direction or instruction to do something
bid, bidding, dictation, command
has glosseng: In computing, a command is a directive to a computer program acting as an interpreter of some kind, in order to perform a specific task. Most commonly a command is a directive to some kind of command line interface, such as a shell.
lexicalizationeng: bidding
lexicalizationeng: bid
lexicalizationeng: command
lexicalizationeng: dictation
subclass of(noun) the use of language to perform some act
speech act
has subclass(noun) a contrary command cancelling or reversing a previous command
has subclass(noun) (often plural) a command given by a superior (e.g., a military or law enforcement officer) that must be obeyed; "the British ships dropped anchor and waited for orders from London"
has subclass(noun) a formal statement of a command or injunction to do something; "the judge's charge to the jury"
direction, commission, charge
has subclass(noun) something that is commanded
has subclass(noun) a formal command or admonition
has subclass(noun) an authoritative command or request
has subclass(noun) a magical command; used by Ali Baba
open sesame
has subclassc/Allied air commands of World War II
has subclassc/Allied commands of World War II
has subclassc/Aviation Commands of the United States Army
has subclassc/BASIC commands
has subclassc/British commands
has subclassc/Canadian Forces Environmental Commands
has subclassc/Canadian Forces Operational Commands
has subclassc/Commands (military formations)
has subclassc/Commands of the Australian Defence Force
has subclassc/Commands of the British Army
has subclassc/Commands of the Sri Lanka Army
has subclassc/Commands of the United States Army
has subclassc/Commands of the United States Navy
has subclassc/Luftwaffe Special Commands
has subclassc/MS-DOS/Windows Command Prompt commands
has subclassc/Major commands of the United States Air Force
has subclassc/Material Commands of the United States Army
has subclassc/Medical Commands of the United States Army
has subclassc/Operational commands of the United States Air Force
has subclassc/RAAF commands
has subclassc/Regional commands of Israel
has subclassc/Regional commands of the Brazilian Army
has subclassc/Regional commands of the Philippines
has subclassc/Royal Air Force commands
has subclassc/Royal Air Force overseas commands
has subclassc/Signal Commands of the United States Army
has subclassc/Sri Lankan commands
has subclassc/Support Commands of the United States Army
has subclassc/Sustainment Commands of the United States Army
has subclassc/Troop Commands of the United States Army National Guard
has subclassc/United States Army Commands
has subclassc/United States Army Major Commands
has subclassc/United States Army Service Component Commands
has glossara: الايعاز ( Command ) تعليمةٌ إلى برنامجٍ حاسوبي تُسبِّبُ - عندما تَصدر عن المستخدِم - تنفيذَ فعلٍ ما. تُدخَلُ الايعازات عادةً عن طريق لوحة المفاتيح، أو تُنتخَبُ من قائمة الخيارات.
lexicalizationara: ايعاز
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lexicalizationbul: заповед
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has glosscat: A informàtica, una ordre és una directiva o instrucció que lusuari proporciona al sistema, des de la línia dordres o directament cridant al programa, el qual generalment està contingut en un arxiu executable.
lexicalizationcat: ordre
lexicalizationcat: dictat
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lexicalizationdan: diktat
lexicalizationdan: bud
lexicalizationdan: ordning
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has glossdeu: Eine Instruktion ist eine Handlungsanweisung. Sie kommt in fast allen Lebensbereichen zum Einsatz, in denen ein Über-Unterordnungsverhältnis (Hierarchie) existiert. Die Instruktion wird vom Instrukteur, Anleiter oder Coach verantwortet.
lexicalizationdeu: Instruktion
lexicalizationdeu: Diktat
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Modern Greek (1453-)
lexicalizationell: εντολή
lexicalizationepo: peto
lexicalizationepo: ordono
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has glossest: Käsk on arvutile edastatav instruktsioon mingi ülesande täitmiseks. Käsu annab tavaliselt kasutaja.
lexicalizationest: käsk
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lexicalizationfin: määräys
has glossfra: Une commande informatique est un mot ou une phrase à la syntaxe bien particulière entré dans un éditeur de ligne de commande et donnant lordre dune action à exécuter par l'ordinateur.
lexicalizationfra: Commande Informatique
lexicalizationfra: ordre
lexicalizationfra: dictée
lexicalizationglg: dictado
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has glossheb: במחשבים, פקודה היא הוראה למחשב לבצע פעולה מסוימת. למושג זה יש משמעויות אחדות, ספציפיות יותר.
lexicalizationheb: פקודה
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lexicalizationita: dettatura
has glossjpn: コンピューティングにおけるコマンド()は、特定のタスクをコンピュータに実行させるための指示の一種であり、プログラムが一種のインタプリタとして解釈し実行する。シェルなどのコマンド行インタフェースへの指示をコマンドと呼ぶことが多い。
lexicalizationjpn: コマンド
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has glosskor: 명령어(命令語)는 컴퓨터에서 특정한 작업을 수행하기 위한 해석기의 역할을 하는 컴퓨터 프로그램을 가리킨다. 일반적으로 명령어는 셸과 같은 명령 줄 인터페이스의 하나이다.
lexicalizationkor: 명령어
lexicalizationkor: 명령
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Malay (macrolanguage)
has glossmsa: Dalam bidang pengkomputan, perintah ialah arahan kepada atur cara komputer yang bertindak sebagai pentafsir untuk melakukan sesuatu tugas yang tertentu. Lebih biasa, ia merupakan arahan kepada antara muka garis perintah, misalnya cangkerang.
lexicalizationmsa: perintah
has glossnld: Een instructie bestaat uit een richtlijn opgesteld voor een uit te voeren handeling. Wanneer men instructies geeft, wordt informatie over een bepaalde actie overgebracht. Dit kan zijn hoe, wanneer, of en op welke manier de actie plaats moet vinden
lexicalizationnld: instructie
lexicalizationnld: dictee
lexicalizationnld: gebod
Norwegian Bokmål
lexicalizationnob: orden
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lexicalizationpol: wyrok
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has glosspor: Comando em informática é a representação atômica e elementar de uma ação do computador, podendo ser invocada por usuário, sistemas aplicativos ou programas.
lexicalizationpor: Comando
lexicalizationpor: ordem
has glossrus: В программировании, команда — это указание компьютерной программе действовать как некий интерпретатор для решения задачи. В более общем случае, команда — это указание некоему интерфейсу командной строки, такому как shell.
lexicalizationrus: команда
lexicalizationrus: приказ
lexicalizationslk: príkaz
lexicalizationslk: rozhodnutie
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has glossspa: Un comando (calco del inglés command, «orden, instrucción») o mandato es una instrucción u orden que el usuario proporciona a un sistema informático, desde la línea de comandos (como una shell) o desde una llamada de programación. Puede ser interno (contenido en el propio intérprete) o externo (contenido en un archivo ejecutable).
lexicalizationspa: comando
lexicalizationspa: Orden
lexicalizationspa: dictado
has glossswe: Ett kommando är inom datavetenskapen ett direktiv till ett datorprogram (som agerar som en tolk av något slag) för att utföra en specifik uppgift. Den vanligaste användningen är ett direktiv till en kommandotolk som läser in och tolkar kommandon från tangentbordet.
lexicalizationswe: kommando
lexicalizationswe: diktamen
lexicalizationtha: คำสั่ง
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has glosstur: Komut, Bilişim Biliminde, Mikroişlemci üzerinde çalışan programların yapı taşlarına denir. Bir işlemcinin çalıştırabileceği komutlar, o işlemcinin komut kümesini oluşturur. İşlemciler, mimarilerine göre komutları farklı şekillerde işletebilirler. Bilgisayarın komuthattının uzunluğu ve genişliği, kaç komutun aynı anda işletilebileceğini belirler.
lexicalizationtur: komut
lexicalizationtur: emir
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has glossukr: У програмуванні, команда - це наказ комп'ютерній програмі діяти як деякий інтерпретатор для вирішення задачі. У більш загальному випадку, команда - це зазначення деякому інтерфейсу (наприклад командній оболонці) командного рядка.
lexicalizationukr: команда
has glossvie: Chỉ thị máy tính, gọi tắt là chỉ thị (Anh ngữ instruction), là đơn vị nhỏ nhất dùng để điều khiển máy tính, cụ thể hơn là ra lệnh cho CPU thực hiện một thao tác căn bản.
lexicalizationvie: chỉ thị
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media:imgExemples de commandes.jpg


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