Information | |
has gloss | (noun) a writ issued by authority of law; usually compels the defendant's attendance in a civil suit; failure to appear results in a default judgment against the defendant summons, process |
has gloss | eng: A summons (also in Britain known as a claim form) is a legal document issued by a court (a judicial summons) or by an administrative agency of government (an administrative summons) for various purposes. |
lexicalization | eng: Claim form |
lexicalization | eng: process |
lexicalization | eng: summons |
subclass of | (noun) (law) a legal document issued by a court or judicial officer writ, judicial writ |
has subclass | (noun) a summons that commands the appearance of a party at a proceeding citation |
has subclass | (noun) a summons issued after the filing of a libel or claim directing all parties concerned to show cause why the judgment asked for should not be granted process of monition, monition |
has subclass | (noun) a summons issued to an offender (especially to someone who violates a traffic regulation) ticket |
Meaning | |
Asturian | |
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lexicalization | ast: llamamientu |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Das Mahnverfahren (amtlich gerichtliches Mahnverfahren) ist ein Gerichtsverfahren, das in Deutschland der vereinfachten Durchsetzung von Geldforderungen dient. Es ist in ff. ZPO geregelt und nicht zu verwechseln mit außergerichtlichen Mahnungen durch Unternehmen, Rechtsanwälte oder Inkassobüros. Der Anspruch darf auch nicht von einer Gegenleistung abhängig sein, die noch nicht erbracht wurde ( Abs. 2 Nr. 2 ZPO). Für Forderungen aus Verbraucherdarlehensverträgen gelten weitere Voraussetzungen ( Abs. 2 Nr. 1, Abs. 1 Nr. 3 ZPO). |
lexicalization | deu: Mahnverfahren |
French | |
has gloss | fra: La citation est le document qui, selon les procédures et les juridictions saisies, est transmis soit par lettre recommandée soit par voie dhuissier, à une personne sommée de se présenter devant un tribunal. Le même mot est utilisé quil sagisse dune convocation adressée à un défendeur, ou à un témoin ou à toute autre personne devant être entendue par le juge, et ce, en matière civile comme en matière pénale. |
lexicalization | fra: Citation |
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lexicalization | fra: appel |
lexicalization | fra: convoque |
Irish | |
has gloss | gle: Is éard is toghairm ann ná cáipéis a sheachadtar chuig an duine lena chur in iúl dó go bhfuil an dlí le cur air agus go gcaithfidh sé teacht os comhair na cúirte. Is gnách a rá go seirbheáiltear an duine, nó go seirbheáiltear an toghairm air. Focal liteartha amháin é "toghairm" nach gcluintear sa ghnáthchaint. Gairm dlí an téarma a úsáidtear i gcaint na ndaoine, chomh maith le leaganacha Gaelaithe den téarma Béarla (sumans, mar shampla). An duine a dhréachtóidh an toghairm, caithfidh sé na pointí eolais seo a bhreacadh síos: |
lexicalization | gle: toghairm |
Italian | |
lexicalization | ita: citazione |
lexicalization | ita: mandato |
Korean | |
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lexicalization | kor: 소환 |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: Een dagvaarding is een officiële, schriftelijke oproep om voor een gerecht te verschijnen. De dagvaarding is het eerste processtuk in een civiele procedure of in een strafproces en vermeldt waar het in de zaak om gaat en op welke gronden de eis berust. |
lexicalization | nld: dagvaarding |
Portuguese | |
has gloss | por: Intimação é uma comunicação escrita expedida por juiz e que leva às partes o conhecimento de atos e termos do processo, e que solicita às partes que façam ou deixem de fazer algo, em virtude de lei perante o poder judiciário. Geralmente esses serviços são executados por um oficial de justiça. |
lexicalization | por: Intimação |
Turkish | |
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lexicalization | tur: celp |
Media | |
media:img | NoticeToAppear.jpg |
media:img | Ohio Uniform Traffic Ticket.jpg |
media:img | SummonsExampleColonyOfMass1726.JPG |
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