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has gloss(noun) a game played with playing cards
card game, cards
has glosseng: A card game is any game using playing cards as the primary things with which the game is played, be they traditional or game-specific. Countless card games exist, including families of related games (such as poker). Some games have formally standardized rules, while rules for others can vary by region, culture, and person.
lexicalizationeng: Card games
lexicalizationeng: Card Game
lexicalizationeng: CardGame
lexicalizationeng: cards
subclass of(noun) a contest with rules to determine a winner; "you need four people to play this game"
has subclass(noun) card games in which points are won for taking the high or low or jack or game
all fours, high-low-jack
has subclass(noun) a card game played in casinos in which two or more punters gamble against the banker; the player wins who holds 2 or 3 cards that total closest to nine
chemin de fer, baccarat
has subclass(noun) a card game for two players in which the object is to win all of the other player's cards
beggar-my-neighbor, beggar-my-neighbour, strip-Jack-naked
has subclass(noun) a gambling game using cards; the object is to hold cards having a higher count than those dealt to the banker up to but not exceeding 21
blackjack, vingt-et-un, twenty-one
has subclass(noun) any of various card games based on whist for four players
has subclass(noun) a card game in which cards face up on the table are taken with eligible cards in the hand
cassino, casino
has subclass(noun) a card game (usually for two players) in which each player is dealt six cards and discards one or two
crib, cribbage
has subclass(noun) a card game for 2 players; played with 32 cards and king high
has subclass(noun) a card game similar to ecarte; each player is dealt 5 cards and the player making trump must take 3 tricks to win a hand
euchre, five hundred
has subclass(noun) a card game in which you play your sevens and other cards in sequence in the same suit as the sevens; you win if you are the first to use all your cards
sevens, fantan, parliament
has subclass(noun) a card game in which players bet against the dealer on the cards he will draw from a dealing box
has subclass(noun) a card game for two players who try to assemble books of cards by asking the opponent for particular cards
Go Fish
has subclass(noun) a gambling card game of Spanish origin; 3 or 4 cards are dealt face up and players bet that one of them will be matched before the others as the cards are dealt from the pack one at a time
monte, three-card monte, four-card monte
has subclass(noun) a gambling card game in which chips are placed on the ace and king and queen and jack of separate suits (taken from a separate deck); a player plays the lowest card of a suit in his hand and successively higher cards are played until the sequence stops; the player who plays a card matching one in the layout wins all the chips on that card
Newmarket, Michigan, Chicago, stops, boodle
has subclass(noun) a card game similar to whist; usually played for stakes
nap, Napoleon
has subclass(noun) a card game using a pack of cards from which one queen has been removed; players match cards and the player holding the unmatched queen at the end of the game is the loser (or `old maid')
old maid
has subclass(noun) a card game played with a pack of forty-eight cards (two of each suit for high cards); play resembles whist
pinochle, bezique, penuchle, pinocle
has subclass(noun) a card game for two players using a reduced pack of 32 cards
has subclass(noun) (Yiddish) a card game for two players one of whom is usually a child; the deck is place face down with one card face upward; players draw from the deck alternately hoping to build up or down from the open card; the player with the fewest cards when the deck is exhausted is the winner
pisha paysha
has subclass(noun) any of various card games in which players bet that they hold the highest-ranking hand
poker, poker game
has subclass(noun) a card game in which two rows of cards are dealt and players can bet on the color of the cards or on which row will have a count nearer some number
rouge et noir, trente-et-quarante
has subclass(noun) a card game based on collecting sets and sequences; the winner is the first to meld all their cards
rum, rummy
has subclass(noun) a card game played by one person
patience, solitaire
has subclass(noun) a card game for four players who form two partnerships; a pack of 52 cards is dealt and each side scores one point for each trick it takes in excess of six
whist, long whist, short whist
has subclasse/Bridge convention
has subclassc/Albanian ID Cards
has subclassc/BBC test cards
has subclassc/Baseball cards
has subclassc/CID cards
has subclassc/Card game magazines
has subclassc/Marvel Cards
has subclassc/National identity cards
has subclassc/Tarot cards
has subclassc/Test cards task force articles
has subclasse/Wild Cards
Note: 815 other instance(s) ommited in the following list
has instancee/de/Lupfen (Kartenspiel)
has instancee/6 Nimmt!
has instancee/Bezique
has instancee/Card manipulation
has instancec/Card game stubs
has instancee/Coloretto
has instancee/Conquian
has instancee/Diamonds (suit)
has instancee/Eleusis (card game)
has instancee/Indian Marriage
has instancee/Phat (card game)
has instancee/Shelem
has instancee/Time-keeping systems in games#Turn-based
has instancee/Uta-garuta
has instancee/Waterworks (card game)
has instancee/es/Envite canario
has instancee/es/Viscachas
has instancee/fi/Ventti
has instancee/fr/Chouine
has instancee/fr/Pêche (jeu de cartes)
has instancee/fr/Shkob
has instancee/fr/Whist 22
has instancee/hr/Hrvatice karte
has instancee/it/Modiano
has instancee/it/Pigugno
has instancee/it/Pinnacolo (gioco)
has instancee/it/Stoppa (gioco di carte)
has instancee/lt/Palka
has instancee/lt/Pasiansas
has instancee/nl/Bonjour Madame
has instancee/no/Smygkasino
has instancee/ru/Мавр (карточная игра)
has instancee/sv/Byggkasino
has instancee/sv/Le Jeu de Tarots
has instancee/sv/Oäkta pokerspel
has instancee/sv/Snipp, snapp, snorum
has instancee/sv/Squint
has instancee/sv/Vändåtta
has instancee/sv/Whiskey Poker
has instancee/th/สมสิบ
has glossafr: 'n Kaartspeletjie is enige speletjie wat gespeel word deur die gebruik van speelkaarte.
lexicalizationafr: Kaartspeletjies
lexicalizationafr: kaartspeletjie
Old English (ca. 450-1100)
has glossang: Cartespil is ǣnig gamen þe spilcartan brȳcþ.
lexicalizationang: Cartespil
has glossara: لعبة ورق هو تصنيف يطلق على كل لعبة تعتمد أساسا على أوراق اللعب في ممارستها، سواء كانت تلك الأوراق هي الأوراق التقليدية، والمشار إليها بالكوتشينة، أو أوراق خاصة باللعبة. عدد اللعبات المندرجة تحت هذا الصنف كبير جدا، فمنه تشتق أصناف كاملة من الألعاب كالبوكر. كما أن لبعض اللعبات قواعد عالمية ثابتة، بينما تتباين قواعد بعض اللعبات تبعا لثقافات المجتمعات الممارسة فيها، أو حتى تبعا للاعبين.
lexicalizationara: ألعاب ورق اللعب
lexicalizationara: لعبة ورق
has glossast: Un xuegu de cartes ye aquel nel que se usen unes estampes de cartón (que llámense cartes) que formen una baraxa. Pué xugase ente varios o unu sólo. Nesti últimu casu llámase solitariu.
lexicalizationast: Xuegu de cartes
has glossaze: Kart — oyun vasitəsi
lexicalizationaze: kart
lexicalizationbar: Kartenspiel
has glossbul: Играта с карти е игра, която се играе с традиционни или специфични карти за игра. История Различните игри с карти са започнали своето разпространение по света от Китай. Там още през 9 век по времето на династия Тан, този вид игра е придобила голяма популярност сред китайците.
lexicalizationbul: Игра с карти
lexicalizationbul: Игри с карти
lexicalizationbul: игра на карти
has glosscat: Un joc de cartes és qualsevol tipus de joc que es juga amb cartes, que són uns cartonets rectangulars, amb els vèrtexs arrodonits, tots iguals, que tenen unes figures dibuixades en una de les cares. Aquestes figures són totes diferents (excepte els dos jòquers o comodins. L'altra cara és exactament igual en totes les cartes, de tal manera que -quan es veuen per aquest costat- les cartes són indistingibles per tal que els jugadors puguin amagar als companys de joc les cartes que tenen.
lexicalizationcat: joc de cartes
lexicalizationcat: Jocs de cartes
has glossces: Karetní hra je hra, která se hraje s hracími kartami. Můžeme je rozdělit na klasické a moderní. Za klasické jsou považovány hry hrané s tradičními karetními listy (např. francouzské, známé též jako žolíkové). Je pro ně charakteristické, že jeden stejný balíček umožňuje hrát velké množství různých her. Oproti tomu moderní karetní hry představují jednu konkrétní hru a ve většině případů není možné hrát s jejich pomocí hry jiné (např. Bang!). Jako karetní hra se také někdy označuje balíček hracích karet.
lexicalizationces: karetní hra
lexicalizationces: karetní hry
lexicalizationces: karty
has glossdan: Kortspil er spil, som primært anvender spillekort som rekvisit. Der er mange forskellige typer spil, hvoraf nogle dyrkes som rent tidsfordriv, mens andre som bridge og skat også dyrkes som tankesportsgrene med nationale og internationale mesterskaber. Kortspil kan spilles om point eller en aftalt præmie til vinderen af spillet. Visse kortspil drejer sig direkte om at spille om penge, enten mellem spillerne indbyrdes eller mod en "bank".
lexicalizationdan: kortspil
has glossdeu: Ein Kartenspiel ist ein Spiel, bei dem Spielkarten der wesentliche Bestandteil des Spielmaterials sind. Die große Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Kartenspiele ergibt sich aus unterschiedlichen Kombinationen oft grundsätzlich ähnlicher Kartenspielregeln, aus unterschiedlichen Spielzielen und der Verwendung unterschiedlicher Spielkarten. Übersichten zu diesen Kartenspielen sind oft an einem dieser Kriterien ausgerichtet oder aber an der Herkunft (Region) des Spieles.
lexicalizationdeu: Kartenspiel
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Modern Greek (1453-)
lexicalizationell: Χαρτοπαίγνια
has glossepo: Kartludo estas ludo kiu estas ludata plejparte per ludkartoj.
lexicalizationepo: Kartludoj
lexicalizationepo: kartludo
has glossest: Kaardimängud on kindlat tüüpi lauamängud, mille mängimiseks kasutatakse spetsiaalseid mängukaarte. Mängukaardid on identse kuju ja suurusega. Igal kaardil on sama tagakülg, samas kui esiküljed on erinevad ja määravad kaardi "tugevuse". Peamised kasutatavad mängukaardid on nn. prantsuse- ja hispaania kaardid, teised levinud mängukaartide komplektid on veel ka nt.Tarot, hanafuda, jt.
lexicalizationest: Kaardimängud
lexicalizationest: kaardimäng
lexicalizationeus: Karta jokoak
lexicalizationfao: Kortspøl
lexicalizationfas: ورق‌بازی
has glossfin: Korttipeli on pelikorteilla pelattava peli. Vaikka korttipelejä voidaan pelata lähes millaisilla korteilla tahansa, ainakin Euroopassa yleisimmin käytetään 52-korttista + jokerit (jotka ovat mikä kortti tahansa) pakkaa. Näillä korteilla voi pelata sadoittain erilaisia pelejä.
lexicalizationfin: Korttipelit
lexicalizationfin: Korttipeli
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has glossfra: L'expression « jeu de cartes » désigne à la fois : * un ensemble complet des cartes nécessaires pour pratiquer un jeu de société : jeu de 32 cartes, jeu de 52 cartes (ou de 54 cartes avec les jokers), jeu de tarot. On parle aussi de paquet de cartes. * un jeu de société utilisant comme matériel exclusif ou pratiquement exclusif des cartes à jouer traditionnelles ou spécifiques à ce jeu.
lexicalizationfra: Jeu de cartes traditionnelles
lexicalizationfra: jeu de cartes
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has glossgle: Is cluiche le haghaidh aon imreoir nó níos mó é cártaí (nó cluiche cártaí) a imrítear le culaith imeartha le ceithre dhath: hairt, muileataí, spéireataí, agus triufanna. Is ionann na cártaí a "dhéanamh" agus iad a chur i gcarn, iad a shuathadh, iad a ghearradh, agus iad a roinnt amach idir na himreoirí.
lexicalizationgle: Cluiche cártaí
has glossheb: משחק קלפים הוא משחק שיש בו שימוש בקלפים, בין אם אלה קלפי משחק תקניים או קלפים ייחודיים אשר מיועדים למשחק הספציפי. קיימים אינספור משחקי קלפים, חלקם בעלי חוקים פורמליים וחלקם בעלי חוקים המשתנים לפי תרבות, מיקום או האדם המשחק. כלל חשוב הוא שלפני כל משחק יובהרו חוקי המשחק כך שכל השחקנים יהיו מודעים לכלל חוקי המשחק, אלא אם כן חוקי המשחק דורשים אחרת (מאו).
lexicalizationheb: משחק קלפים
lexicalizationheb: משחקי קלפים
lexicalizationhil: baraha
lexicalizationhin: ताश
lexicalizationhrv: Kartaške igre
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has glosshun: A kártyajátékokat általában több ember játssza együtt kártyalapok segítségével, ezek a társasjátékok közé tartoznak. A pasziánszok speciálisak, mert csak egy ember vesz bennük részt: a cél egy meghatározott helyzet elérése (általában az összes kártya felhasználásával).
lexicalizationhun: Kártyajátékok
lexicalizationhun: kártyajáték
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lexicalizationhye: թղթախաղ
has glossido: Kartoludo esas:
lexicalizationido: Kartoludi
lexicalizationido: kartoludo
has glossind: Permainan kartu merupakan sebuah permainan yang biasanya dilakukan dari permainan yang biasanya disebut dengan card games. Seperti kita kenal sekarang, satu pak kartu remi berisi 52 lembar. Dibagi menjadi empat suit atau jenis kartu (Spade, Heart, Diamond, Club), masing-masing terdiri atas 13 kartu (dari As, 1, 2, dst. sampai King). Plus kartu tambahan berupa dua kartu joker, hitam dan merah. Dalam permainan kartu biasanya Joker atau King sangat dinantikan untuk didapatkan, namun di beberapa permainan kartu yang lain kartu ini tidak terlalu diharapkan, karena tidak digunakan.
lexicalizationind: Permainan kartu
has glossita: Un gioco di carte è un qualunque gioco che necessita l'uso di carte da gioco, sia tradizionali che specifiche per il gioco.
lexicalizationita: Giochi con le carte
lexicalizationita: Giochi di carte
lexicalizationita: gioco di carte
lexicalizationita: carte
has glossjpn: カードゲームは、広義にはカードを使って行うゲームの総称。狭義にはいわゆるトランプを使ったゲームのこと。
lexicalizationjpn: カードゲーム
lexicalizationkor: 카드 게임
lexicalizationkor: 카드 놀이
lexicalizationlat: Ludi chartarum
has glosslim: n Kaartsjpel ies n soort sjpel dat gesjpeeld weurt mèt sjpeelkaarte. Neve t sjpel dat solitair (bv. patience) gesjpeeld weurt, weurt r gekaart mèt z'n twièje, drieje, vere, vieve of zèsse.
lexicalizationlim: kaartsjpel
has glosslit: Kortų žaidimas – bet kuris žaidimas, kuriame naudojamos žaidimo kortos. Tai gali būti tiek tradicinių kortų, tiek ir specifinių (pvz., kolekcionuojamų) žaidimas.
lexicalizationlit: Kortų žaidimai
lexicalizationlit: kortų žaidimas
lexicalizationltz: Kaartespiller
has glossmal: ചീട്ട് ഉപയോഗിച്ച് കളിക്കുന്ന ഏതു തരം കളിയെയും ചീട്ട് കളി എന്ന് പറയാം. ചീട്ട് കളി അവ കളിക്കുന്ന രീതിയെയും അതിന്റെ നിയമാവലികളെയും അടിസ്ഥാനമാക്കി പല പേരുകളില്‍ അറിയപ്പെടുന്നു.ഒരു വിനോദമായും, പണത്തിനായും, ചില പ്രത്യേക ലക്ഷ്യങ്ങള്‍ അടിസ്ഥാനമാക്കി കളിക്കുന്നവയും അല്ലാത്തവയുമായ കളികള്‍ പ്രചാരത്തിലുണ്ട്.
lexicalizationmal: ചീട്ടുകളി
lexicalizationmlt: logħba karti
Malay (macrolanguage)
has glossmsa: Permainan daun terup atau permainan kad merupakan permainan yang melibatkan penggunaan daun terup (kad) sebagai alat terpenting ketika bermain. Wujudnya beraneka permainan daun terup tak terbilang, termasuk sekali permainan perjudian seperti poker.
lexicalizationmsa: Permainan daun terup
Nahuatl languages
has glossnah: Āmapatōlli, cē patōlli.
lexicalizationnah: āmapatōlli
Low German
lexicalizationnds: Koortenspeel
has glossnld: Onder kaartspel wordt zowel het kaartmateriaal (meervoud: kaartspellen) als de activiteit (meervoud: kaartspelen) verstaan. Kaartspelen zijn spelen die gespeeld worden met een set (speel)kaarten (dit in tegenstelling tot de bordspelen). De kaartspelen worden allereerst onderverdeeld in spelen die de welbekende speelkaarten (Harten, Ruiten, Klaveren en Schoppen) gebruiken en de overige spelen, die eigen sets kaarten hebben. De eerste groep wordt verder onderverdeeld in spelen met een kaartspel bestaande uit 32, 52 of uit 54 kaarten. In de tweede groep bevinden zich allerlei kwartetten, Tarot en Stap op, kaartspelen die zijn afgeleid van bordspelen zoals De Kolonisten van Catan en verzamelkaarten zoals Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh en Pokémon, die aan het eind van de 20e eeuw een rage waren en die als spel gespeeld kunnen worden.
lexicalizationnld: kaartspel
Norwegian Nynorsk
has glossnno: Kortspel er eit spel kor det brukast spelekort, enten tradisjonelle eller spel-spesifikke. Kortspelet oppstod i Kina og kom til Europa med muslimane på 1300-talet.
lexicalizationnno: Kortspel
has glossnor: Kortspill er et spill hvor det brukes spillekort, enten tradisjonelle eller spill-spesifikke. Kortspillet skal ha oppstått i Kina og kom til Europa med muslimene på 1300-tallet.
lexicalizationnor: kortspill
Occitan (post 1500)
lexicalizationoci: Jòc de cartas tradicionalas
Pennsylvania German
has glosspdc: En Kaardeschpiel iss en Card Game. Zwee Exembels waere Dutch Blitz unn Dadde (Glaawrias).
lexicalizationpdc: Kaardeschpiel
has glosspol: Gra karciana – gra, w której używa się kart do gry.
lexicalizationpol: gra karciana
lexicalizationpol: Gry karciane
lexicalizationpol: karty
has glosspor: Jogos de cartas ou baralho é o nome dado aos jogos que se utilizam de um baralho (conjunto de cartas). É possível que se possa jogar sozinho (como o jogo de paciência) mas é comum que se jogue com mais de uma pessoa, podendo em alguns jogos fazer duplas.
lexicalizationpor: Jogos de Cartas
lexicalizationpor: jogo de cartas
has glossrus: Карточная игра — игра с применением игральных карт, характеризуется случайным начальным состоянием, для определения которого используется набор (колода) карт. Существует также множество наборов карт, созданных под конкретные игры.
lexicalizationrus: карточная игра
lexicalizationrus: Карточные игры
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has glossslk: Kartová hra je hra, ktorá sa hrá s hracími kartami.
lexicalizationslk: Kartová hra
lexicalizationslk: Kartové hry
has glossslv: Igra s kartami (kartanje) je družabna igra, pri kateri igralci uporabljajo igralne karte različnih vrst (navadne igralne karte oziroma karte za remi, tarok karte, karte za briškolo, ...). Poznamo igre s kartami za enega igralca (pasjanse oz. polaganje kart) ter igre za več igralcev. Pri igrah za štiri igralce (ali več) se (lahko) oblikujejo ekipe s po dvema igralcema. Namen igre je največkrat kratkočasno zbiranje točk, karte pa so lahko pogosto tudi osnova za igre na srečo (poker, Black Jack,...), kjer se igra za denarne dobitke.
lexicalizationslv: Igra s kartami
has glossspa: Los juegos de naipes o cartas son aquellos en los que el único elemento de juego son unas estampas de cartón (llamadas naipes o cartas) que forman una baraja y que deben mezclarse (barajarse) antes de jugar. Los juegos de naipes estarían incluidos en la familia de juegos de mesa.
lexicalizationspa: juego de naipes
lexicalizationspa: Juegos de Naipes
lexicalizationspa: naipes
lexicalizationsrp: Игре са картама
has glossstq: N Koartenspil is n Spil, wät in dät weesentelke bloot mäd Koarten spield wäd.
lexicalizationstq: Koartenspil
has glossswe: Kortspel är spel som spelas med spelkort. Kortspelandet tros ha uppstått i Kina och kom till Europa via muslimerna på 1300-talet.
lexicalizationswe: kortspel
has glosstel: పేక ముక్కలతో ఆడే ఆట పేకాట.
lexicalizationtel: పేకాట
has glosstha: เกมไพ่ หรือ เกมการ์ด (card game) เป็นเกมที่ใช้ไพ่ป๊อกหรือไพ่เฉพาะที่มีลวดลายของตนเอง เป็นอุปกรณ์หลักในการเล่น อาจใช้เล่นเพื่อความสนุกสนานหรือเพื่อการพนันก็ได้ ผู้เล่นเกมไพ่อาจมีเพียงคนเดียว (เกมไพ่จำพวก Solitaire) หรือหลายคนก็ได้ บางเกมจำกัดจำนวนผู้เล่นที่แน่นอน บางเกมก็ปรับให้เข้ากับจำนวนผู้เล่นที่แตกต่างได้ กลุ่มคนที่เล่นไพ่มักจะเรียกว่า วงไพ่
lexicalizationtha: เกมไพ่
has glosstur: İskambil oyunları, genellikle 52 kart içeren standart iskambil kâğıtları destesi veya onun türevleriyle oynanan oyunlardır. Türkiye'de yaygın olmamasına rağmen yabancı ülkelerde biraz daha farklı kartlar içeren tarot destesiyle oynanan iskambil oyunları da vardır.
lexicalizationtur: İskambil oyunları
lexicalizationukr: Картярські ігри
lexicalizationvec: Xughi co łe carte
lexicalizationvie: Bài lá
lexicalizationvls: Koartspel
lexicalizationxal: Көзр
has glosszho: 卡片遊戲又名卡牌遊戲或紙牌遊戲,一種桌上遊戲,廣義上是使用卡片(牌)來進行遊戲的總稱。狹義上則是指使用撲克牌的遊戲。
lexicalizationzho: 卡片遊戲
lexicalizationzho: 牌類遊戲
has part(noun) the act of distributing playing cards; "the deal was passed around the table clockwise"
has part(noun) the playing of a card to start a trick in bridge; "the lead was in the dummy"
has part(noun) the mistake of not following suit when able to do so
revoke, renege
has part(noun) the act of mixing cards haphazardly
make, shuffle, shuffling
has part(noun) the division of a deck of cards before dealing; "he insisted that we give him the last cut before every deal"; "the cutting of the cards soon became a ritual"
cut, cutting
has part(noun) a demand for a show of hands in a card game; "after two raises there was a call"
has part(noun) raising the stakes in a card game by a factor of 2; "I decided his double was a bluff"
double, doubling
has part(noun) (cards) the act of throwing out a useless card or of failing to follow suit
similare/Card game
media:img10 playing cards.jpg
media:imgAdriaen Brouwer 001.jpg
media:imgAdriaen Brouwer 006.jpg
media:imgBay eichel.svg
media:imgBay gras.svg
media:imgBay herz.svg
media:imgBay schellen.svg
media:imgBicycle cards.jpg
media:imgCard shuffling.jpg
media:imgCarte française cœur 13.gif
media:imgCrystal package games card.png
media:imgFalschspieler Gerard van Honthorst.jpg
media:imgJack of clubs fr.svg
media:imgJack of diamonds fr.svg
media:imgJack of hearts fr.svg
media:imgJack of spades fr.svg
media:imgJean-Baptiste Siméon Chardin 001.jpg
media:imgKing of clubs fr.svg
media:imgKing of diamonds fr.svg
media:imgKing of hearts fr.svg
media:imgKing of spades fr.svg
media:imgLa Tour Le Tricheur Louvre RF1972-8.jpg
media:imgMamluk playing card 1.jpg
media:imgMamluk playing card 2.jpg
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media:imgMamluk playing card 4.jpg
media:imgMamluk playing card 5.jpg
media:imgMamluk playing card 6.jpg
media:imgMamluk playing card 7.jpg
media:imgPan gra karciana.jpg
media:imgPaul Cezanne Les joueurs de cartes.jpg
media:imgPaul Cézanne 222.jpg
media:imgPaul Cézanne, Les joueurs de carte (1892-95).jpg
media:imgQueen of clubs fr.svg
media:imgQueen of diamonds fr.svg
media:imgQueen of hearts fr.svg
media:imgQueen of spades fr.svg
media:imgRoyal straight flush.jpg
media:imgSeme bastoni carte spagnole.svg
media:imgSeme coppe carte spagnole.svg
media:imgSeme denari carte spagnole.svg
media:imgSeme spade carte spagnole.svg
media:imgSet of playing cards 52.JPG
media:imgSuit Bastoni.svg
media:imgSuit Coppe.svg
media:imgSuit Denari.svg
media:imgSuit Spade.svg
media:imgThe Cardsharps.jpg
media:imgTuchola 037(2).jpg
media:imgTuchola 037.jpg
media:imgКолчаковцы за карточной игрой.jpg


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