Information | |
has gloss | (noun) one of a pair of long straps (usually connected to the bit or the headpiece) used to control a horse rein |
has gloss | eng: Reins are items of horse tack, used to direct a horse or other animal used for riding or driving. Reins can be made of leather, nylon, metal, or other materials, and attach to a bridle via either its bit or its noseband. |
lexicalization | eng: rein |
subclass of | (noun) an elongated leather strip (or a strip of similar material) for binding things together or holding something in position strap |
has subclass | (noun) a rein designed to keep the horse's head in the desired position bearing rein, checkrein |
has subclass | (noun) rein to direct the horse's head left or right leading rein |
Meaning | |
Catalan | |
lexicalization | cat: regna |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Zügel (ahd. „Zugseil“, „Gerät zum Ziehen“; „Zügel“) verbinden das Gebiss im Pferdemaul oder die entsprechenden Teile einer gebisslosen Zäumung mit der Hand des Reiters. Sie entsprechen den Leinen des Kutschers. |
lexicalization | deu: Zügel |
Modern Greek (1453-) | |
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lexicalization | ell: γκέμι |
Basque | |
lexicalization | eus: aho-uhal |
Persian | |
lexicalization | fas: افسار |
Finnish | |
has gloss | fin: Valjaat ovat vetoeläimelle (esimerkiksi hevoselle, porolle tai koiralle) puettava vetoväline. Lemmikkikoirilla, -kissoilla ja -kaneilla voidaan käyttää talutusvaljaita, jotka on tehty vain taluttamista varten. Opaskoirille on lisäksi omat valjaansa, joiden avulla näkövammaisen on helppo seurata koiraansa. Tässä artikkelissa keskitytään vetovaljaisiin. |
lexicalization | fin: valjaat |
lexicalization | fin: suitsi |
lexicalization | fin: ohjas |
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lexicalization | fin: ohja |
French | |
lexicalization | fra: rênes |
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lexicalization | fra: rêne |
Western Frisian | |
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lexicalization | fry: jaling |
lexicalization | fry: leie |
Galician | |
lexicalization | glg: renda |
Hindi | |
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lexicalization | hin: bAgadora |
Croatian | |
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lexicalization | hrv: uzda |
Armenian | |
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lexicalization | hye: երասանակ |
Ido | |
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lexicalization | ido: reino |
Italian | |
lexicalization | ita: redine |
Japanese | |
has gloss | jpn: 手綱(たづな)は、乗馬する際、馬とコンタクトをとるための道具の一つ。頭絡の一部で、ハミに直接つながっている。乗り手はこれを手に持って、左右の方向指示や止まれなどの合図を馬に与える。 |
lexicalization | jpn: 手綱 |
Georgian | |
lexicalization | kat: სადავე |
Latin | |
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lexicalization | lat: habena |
Macedonian | |
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lexicalization | mkd: дизгин |
Iranian Persian | |
lexicalization | pes: افسار |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Wodze - zwykle są to skórzane pasy połączone z wędzidłem, przy pomocy których jeździec utrzymuje kontakt z pyskiem konia i przekazuje mu sygnały. |
lexicalization | pol: Wodze |
lexicalization | pol: cugle |
lexicalization | pol: wodze |
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lexicalization | pol: lejce |
Portuguese | |
lexicalization | por: rédea |
Moldavian | |
has gloss | ron: Frâul este format din curele de piele care sunt legate de bucata de metal care intră în cavitatea bucală a calului şi care face parte din căpăstru. |
lexicalization | ron: Frâu |
Russian | |
lexicalization | rus: вожжа |
Slovak | |
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lexicalization | slk: oprata |
Castilian | |
has gloss | spa: Se denomina rienda a la correa o correas que el jinete rinde, sujeta y maneja. Se utiliza habitualmente en plural para designar las correas que sirven para gobernar las guías en los tiros de mulas o caballos. Las riendas son unas correas de cuero que están sujetas al bocado a ambos lados de la boca del caballo y que van una por cada lado del cuello hasta las manos del jinete. Se llaman falsas riendas a las correas semejantes a las riendas de la brida que por uno de sus extremos se aseguran en las cintas de la silla de montar y se pasan por el otro por las anillas del cabezón con objeto de recoger y sujetar la cabeza del caballo que se resiste a doblar el cuello a uno u otro lado. |
lexicalization | spa: riendas |
lexicalization | spa: rienda |
Thai | |
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lexicalization | tha: บังเหียน |
lexicalization | tha: วิธีการควบคุม |
lexicalization | tha: เครื่องนำ vt. |
Turkish | |
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lexicalization | tur: dizginleme |
Links | |
part of | (noun) headgear for a horse; includes a headstall and bit and reins to give the rider or driver control bridle |
similar | e/Rein |
Media | |
media:img | Andalusier - Vorführung spanischer Rassen3 best.jpg |
media:img | Bardigiano3 - Ganggasse stehend.jpg |
media:img | Caballero.jpg |
media:img | Farmer plowing.jpg |
media:img | Rcmp sled dogs 1957.jpg |
media:img | Reining slidingstop.jpg |
media:img | SplitReins.jpg |
media:img | Sulky racing Vincennes DSC03728 cropped.JPG |
media:img | Twee-paarden.JPG |
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