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has gloss(noun) a genus of plants
plant genus
lexicalizationeng: plant genus
subclass of(noun) (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species
Note: 8 other subclass(es) ommited in the following list
has subclass(noun) giant sequoias; sometimes included in the genus Sequoia; until recently placed in the Taxodiaceae
Sequoiadendron, genus Sequoiadendron
has subclass(noun) large genus of herbs grown for their blossoms: bellflowers
genus Campanula
has subclass(noun) a genus of tuberous vines of the family Dioscoreaceae; has twining stems and heart-shaped leaves and axillary racemes
Tamus, genus Tamus
has subclass(noun) annual or perennial grasses cosmopolitan in northern hemisphere: bent grass (so named from `bent' meaning an area of unfenced grassland)
Agrostis, genus Agrostis
has subclass(noun) oat grass
Arrhenatherum, genus Arrhenatherum
has subclass(noun) oats
genus Avena, Avena
has subclass(noun) deciduous shrubs or small trees: witch hazel
Hamamelis, genus Hamamelis
has subclass(noun) small genus of deciduous shrubs of temperate regions of Asia
Corylopsis, genus Corylopsis
has subclass(noun) sweet gum
genus Liquidambar, Liquidambar
has subclass(noun) one species: iron tree
genus Parrotia, Parrotia
has subclass(noun) one species: deciduous tree of the Himalaya Mountains
genus Parrotiopsis, Parrotiopsis
has subclass(noun) a genus of Laguncularia
genus Laguncularia, Laguncularia
has subclass(noun) sometimes placed in subfamily Trilliaceae
Paris, genus Paris
has subclass(noun) a herbaceous plant genus of the family Linaceae with small sessile leaves
genus Linum, Linum
has subclass(noun) African woody vines: calabar beans
genus Physostigma, Physostigma
has subclass(noun) a genus of tropical Asian and Malaysian palm trees
genus Arenga, Arenga
has subclass(noun) small genus of South American feather palms
genus Phytelephas, phytelephas
has subclass(noun) genus of mostly North American geraniums: cranesbills
genus Geranium
has subclass(noun) a large genus of South American shrubs and small trees of the family Erythroxylaceae
Erythroxylon, genus Erythroxylon, Erythroxylum, genus Erythroxylum
has subclass(noun) type genus of Crassulaceae; herbs and small shrubs having woody stems and succulent aerial parts
genus Crassula, Crassula
has subclass(noun) large genus of rock plants having thick fleshy leaves
genus Sedum
has subclass(noun) a genus of plants of the family Crassulaceae
Aeonium, genus Aeonium
has subclass(noun) a flowering shrub bearing currants or gooseberries; native to northern hemisphere
genus Ribes, Ribes
has subclass(noun) herbaceous to shrubby evergreen or deciduous annuals or perennials, diffuse (spreading) or caespitose (tufted or matted); from Alaska and western Canada to Mexico
genus Phlox
has subclass(noun) a genus of herbs of the family Polemoniaceae; found in western United States
Linanthus, genus Linanthus
has subclass(noun) perennial herbs of the Mediterranean region
genus Borago, Borago
has subclass(noun) rough annual herbs of Europe and the Americas: fiddlenecks
Amsinckia, genus Amsinckia
has subclass(noun) rough and hairy Old World herbs
genus Anchusa
has subclass(noun) a large genus of tall rough herbs belonging to the family Boraginaceae
Cynoglossum, genus Cynoglossum
has subclass(noun) a genus of bristly herbs and shrubs of the family Boraginaceae
genus Echium, Echium
has subclass(noun) stickweed; beggar's lice
genus Hackelia, Hackelia, genus Lappula, Lappula
has subclass(noun) annual or perennial herbaceous or shrubby plants; cosmopolitan except Australia
Lithospermum, genus Lithospermum
has subclass(noun) a genus of herbs belonging to the family Boraginaceae that grow in temperate regions and have blue or purple flowers shaped like funnels
Mertensia, genus Mertensia
has subclass(noun) forget-me-nots; scorpion grass
Myosotis, genus Myosotis
has subclass(noun) a genus of North American perennial herbs of the family Boraginaceae
Onosmodium, genus Onosmodium
has subclass(noun) comfrey
Symphytum, genus Symphytum
has subclass(noun) bladderworts: large genus of aquatic carnivorous plants; cosmopolitan in distribution
genus Utricularia, Utricularia
has subclass(noun) butterworts: a large genus of almost stemless carnivorous bog plants; Europe and America to Antarctica
Pinguicula, genus Pinguicula
has subclass(noun) small genus of carnivorous plants of tropical African swamps
genus Genlisea
has subclass(noun) in some classifications includes the unicorn plants
genus Martynia
member of(noun) (botany) the taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct plants
plant kingdom, kingdom Plantae, Plantae


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