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has gloss(noun) includes lichen families
fungus family
lexicalizationeng: fungus family
subclass of(noun) (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera; "sharks belong to the fish family"
Note: 30 other subclass(es) ommited in the following list
has subclass(noun) family of fungi parasitic mostly on leaves; includes powdery mildews
Erysiphaceae, family Erysiphaceae
has subclass(noun) parasitic fungi having globose and sometimes necked or beaked perithecia
Sphaeriaceae, family Sphaeriaceae
has subclass(noun) fungi having carbonous perithecia with long necks
family Ceratostomataceae, Ceratostomataceae
has subclass(noun) family of fungi characterized by dark brown to black spores
family Xylariaceae, Xylariaceae
has subclass(noun) stalked puffballs
Tulostomaceae, family Tulostomataceae, Tulostomataceae, family Tulostomaceae
has subclass(noun) large family of chiefly saprophytic fungi that includes many common molds destructive to food products
family Mucoraceae, Mucoraceae
has subclass(noun) mostly parasitic lower fungi that typically develop in the bodies of insects
family Entomophthoraceae, Entomophthoraceae
has subclass(noun) a fungus family of order Chytridiales
Synchytriaceae, family Synchytriaceae
has subclass(noun) parasitic fungi: downy mildews
family Peronosporaceae, Peronosporaceae
has subclass(noun) fungi having sporangia usually borne successively and singly at the tips of branching sporangiophores
family Pythiaceae, Pythiaceae
has subclass(noun) family of fungi often causing hypertrophy in seed plants
Plasmodiophoraceae, family Plasmodiophoraceae
has subclass(noun) fleshy fungi: coral fungi
family Clavariaceae, Clavariaceae
has subclass(noun) tooth fungi
family Hydnaceae, Hydnaceae
has subclass(noun) fruticose lichens having prostrate or erect or pendulous thalli: genera Usnea, Evernia, Ramalina, Alectoria
Usneaceae, family Usneaceae
has subclass(noun) a family of lichens
Cladoniaceae, family Cladoniaceae
has subclass(noun) large family including many familiar mushrooms
Agaricaceae, family Agaricaceae
has subclass(noun) used in some classification systems for the genus Russula
Russulaceae, family Russulaceae
has subclass(noun) sometimes included in family Agaricaceae
family Strophariaceae, Strophariaceae
has subclass(noun) a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales
Entolomataceae, family Entolomataceae
has subclass(noun) a family of fungi having free gills and a cap that is cleanly separable from the stalk
Lepiotaceae, family Lepiotaceae
has subclass(noun) fungi having leathery or membranous sporophores
Thelephoraceae, family Thelephoraceae
has subclass(noun) a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales
family Pluteaceae, Pluteaceae
has subclass(noun) a family of fungi belonging to order Endomycetales
Schizosaccharomycetaceae, family Schizosaccharomycetaceae
has subclass(noun) family of fungi including some common molds
family Aspergillaceae, Aspergillaceae
has subclass(noun) a family of edible fungi including the true morels
family Morchellaceae, Morchellaceae
has subclass(noun) a family of fungi belonging to the order Phallales and comprising the true stinkhorns
family Phallaceae, Phallaceae
has subclass(noun) family of fleshy fungi resembling stinkhorns
Clathraceae, family Clathraceae
has subclass(noun) a fungus family belonging to the order Lycoperdales; includes puffballs
Lycoperdaceae, family Lycoperdaceae
has subclass(noun) bird's-nest fungi
family Nidulariaceae, Nidulariaceae
has subclass(noun) a family of fungi that have a stalk and cap and a wrinkled mass of tissue (the gleba) where spores are produced; are often dismissed as misshapen forms of other fungi
Secotiaceae, family Secotiaceae
has subclass(noun) fungi that become corky or woody with age, often forming shelflike growths on trees
family Polyporaceae, Polyporaceae
has subclass(noun) a family of basidiomycetous fungi of the order Tremellales that have the basidium divided longitudinally
Tremellaceae, family Tremellaceae
has subclass(noun) fungi having gelatinous sporophores
family Auriculariaceae, Auriculariaceae
has subclass(noun) rust fungi
Melampsoraceae, family Melampsoraceae
has subclass(noun) large important family of rust fungi
family Pucciniaceae, Pucciniaceae
has subclass(noun) a fungus family of loose smuts
family Ustilaginaceae, Ustilaginaceae
has subclass(noun) a family of smut fungi having a simple promycelium bearing the spores in an apical cluster
Tilletiaceae, family Tilletiaceae
has subclass(noun) a family of fungi belonging to the subdivision Basidiomycota
Septobasidiaceae, family Septobasidiaceae
has subclass(noun) a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales
Cortinariaceae, family Cortinariaceae
has subclass(noun) family of imperfect mushrooms having dark-colored hyphae or conidia
Dematiaceae, family Dematiaceae
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member of(noun) the taxonomic kingdom including yeast, molds, smuts, mushrooms, and toadstools; distinct from the green plants
fungus kingdom, Fungi, kingdom Fungi


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