Information | |
has gloss | (noun) demand for something as rightful or due; "they struck in support of their claim for a shorter work day" claim |
has gloss | eng: A claim is a legal action to obtain money, property, or the enforcement of a right against another party. The legal document which carries a claim is called a Statement of Claim. It can be any communication notifying the addressee of alleged faulty execution which resulted in damages, often expressed in amount of money the party should pay/reimburse. |
lexicalization | eng: claim |
subclass of | (noun) the act of demanding; "the kidnapper's exorbitant demands for money" demand |
has subclass | (noun) demand for payment in accordance with an insurance policy insurance claim |
Meaning | |
Afrikaans | |
lexicalization | afr: vraag |
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lexicalization | afr: eis |
Arabic | |
lexicalization | ara: طلب |
Standard Arabic | |
lexicalization | arb: دعوى |
Asturian | |
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lexicalization | ast: reclamación |
Bulgarian | |
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lexicalization | bul: искане |
Catalan | |
lexicalization | cat: reclamació |
Danish | |
lexicalization | dan: krav |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Unter Anspruch versteht man umgangssprachlich Erwartungen, Bedürfnisse, Wertvorstellungen, übernommene Normen eines Menschen bezüglich einer Sache. Man hat Anspruch an einer Sache |
lexicalization | deu: Anspruch |
lexicalization | deu: Nachfrage |
Modern Greek (1453-) | |
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lexicalization | ell: ζήτηση |
Esperanto | |
lexicalization | epo: reklamacio |
Basque | |
lexicalization | eus: eskari |
Finnish | |
lexicalization | fin: vaatimus |
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lexicalization | fin: kysyntä |
French | |
lexicalization | fra: demande |
lexicalization | fra: réclamation |
Hungarian | |
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lexicalization | hun: követelés |
lexicalization | hun: igény |
Indonesian | |
lexicalization | ind: permintaan |
Italian | |
lexicalization | ita: domanda |
Japanese | |
has gloss | jpn: 請求権(せいきゅうけん)とは、他人に対し、一定の行為を請求することができる権利のことである。 |
lexicalization | jpn: 請求権 |
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lexicalization | jpn: 需要 |
Lithuanian | |
has gloss | lit: Reikalavimas - lūkestis; poreikis; direktyvus (įsakmus) prašymas, pareiškimas, nurodymas dėl kokio nors veiksmo (ne)atlikimo, tikintis kad jis arba bus atliktas, arba ne (priklausomai nuo reikalaujančiojo valios, pageidavimo). |
lexicalization | lit: reikalavimas |
Dutch | |
lexicalization | nld: vraag |
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lexicalization | nld: bezwaarschrift |
Norwegian Bokmål | |
lexicalization | nob: etterspørsel |
Norwegian | |
has gloss | nor: En fordring er et krav som en fysisk eller juridisk person (kreditor) har mot en annen (debitor). Begrepet brukes mest i betydningen pengekrav, for eksempel slik at A har en fordring på B som lyder på 10 000 kroner. Det brukes imidlertid tilsvarende for krav av annen art, for eksempel plikt til å levere et parti varer. Det kan også være snakk om en unnlatelsesforpliktelse, for eksempel en plikt til å ikke starte opp konkurrerende ervervsvirksomhet. Dersom en fordring ikke blir innfridd innen forfall kan kreditor normalt få den inndrevet med hjelp av rettsapparatet. Dette skjer ved tvangsfullbyrdelse, noe som normalt krever forutgående søksmål, med mindre det foreligger et særlig tvangsgrunnlag. En fordring kan komme til uttrykk i et gjeldsbrev (omsetningsgjeldsbrev eller enkelt gjeldsbrev). |
lexicalization | nor: fordring |
Occitan (post 1500) | |
lexicalization | oci: reclamacion |
Iranian Persian | |
lexicalization | pes: درخواست |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Pod pojęciem roszczenia rozumie się w prawie cywilnym materialnym prawo podmiotowe, którego treścią jest uprawnienie do żądania od oznaczonej osoby zachowania się w określony sposób. Jest to jedno z kluczowych i jednocześnie najbardziej spornych pojęć teorii prawa cywilnego, co skutkuje znacznym stopniem ogólności proponowanej definicji. Osobę, której przysługuje roszczenie określa się mianem wierzyciela, zaś ten, na kim ciąży obowiązek zadośćuczynienia roszczeniu nazywany jest dłużnikiem. Kilka roszczeń wynikających z tych samych okoliczności pomiędzy tymi samymi osobami to wierzytelność, albo dług. Pojęć tych można używać zamiennie bacząc, że pierwsze podkreśla raczej prawa wierzyciela, zaś drugie obowiązki dłużnika. |
lexicalization | pol: roszczenie |
lexicalization | pol: zapotrzebowanie |
Portuguese | |
has gloss | por: No mercado de seguro, sinistro refere-se a qualquer evento em que o bem segurado sofre um acidente ou prejuízo material. Representa a materialização do risco, causando perda financeira para a seguradora. |
lexicalization | por: sinistro |
Moldavian | |
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lexicalization | ron: reclamație |
Russian | |
lexicalization | rus: спрос |
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lexicalization | rus: претензия |
Slovak | |
lexicalization | slk: dopyt |
Slovenian | |
lexicalization | slv: povpraševanje |
Castilian | |
lexicalization | spa: demanda |
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lexicalization | spa: reclamación |
Swedish | |
has gloss | swe: Fordran eller synonymen fordring har två olika betydelser. I ekonomisk bemärkelse avses den del av ett låneavtal som en borgenär besitter. |
lexicalization | swe: fordran |
lexicalization | swe: efterfrågan |
Chinese | |
has gloss | zho: 請求權是指一人基於法律向對方請求為一定作為或不作為的權利。請求權包含公法上之請求權,例如聽審請求權、公正程序請求權;也有私法上之請求權,例如債權、物上請求權(物權之一種)等。 |
lexicalization | zho: 請求權 |
Links | |
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similar | e/Claim (legal) |
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