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has gloss(noun) an artist of consummate skill; "a master of the violin"; "one of the old masters"
maestro, master
has glosseng: Maestro (, ) (from the Italian maestro, meaning "master" or "teacher" ) is a title of extreme respect given to a master musician. The term is most commonly used in the context of Western classical music and opera. This is associated with the ubiquitous use of Italian vocabulary for classical music terms. Composers, performers, impresarios, music directors, conductors and music teachers are all frequently given this title.
lexicalizationeng: maestro
lexicalizationeng: master
subclass of(noun) a person whose creative work shows sensitivity and imagination
creative person, artist
Note: 71 other subclass(es) ommited in the following list
has subclasse/1972 Commercial Union Assurance Masters
has subclasse/1975 Commercial Union Assurance Masters
has subclasse/2000 Paris Masters
has subclasse/2000 Stuttgart Masters
has subclasse/2001 Rome Masters
has subclasse/2001 Stuttgart Masters
has subclasse/2003 Western & Southern Financial Group Masters
has subclasse/2004 BNP Paribas Masters
has subclasse/2004 Monte Carlo Masters
has subclasse/2006 Monte Carlo Masters
has subclasse/2007 BNP Paribas Masters
has subclasse/2007 Hamburg Masters
has subclasse/2007 Monte Carlo Masters
has subclasse/Actionmasters
has subclassc/1994 Monte Carlo Masters
has subclassc/2007 Western & Southern Financial Group Masters
has subclassc/2008 Hamburg Masters
has subclassc/2009 Monte Carlo Masters
has subclassc/Chess International Masters
has subclassc/Grand Masters of the Order of Parfaite Amitié
has subclassc/Grand Masters of the Order of the Immaculate Conception of Vila Viçosa
has subclassc/Grand Masters of the Order of the Most Holy Annunciation
has subclassc/Grand Masters of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George
has subclassc/Masters in chancery
has subclassc/Masters of Churchill College, Cambridge
has subclassc/Masters of Clare College, Cambridge
has subclassc/Masters of Darwin College, Cambridge
has subclassc/Masters of Downing College, Cambridge
has subclassc/Masters of Magdalene College, Cambridge
has subclassc/Masters of Selwyn College, Cambridge
has subclassc/Masters of St Edmund's College, Cambridge
has subclassc/Masters of St Peter's College, Oxford
has subclassc/Masters of Trinity Hall, Cambridge
has subclassc/Masters of the Universe Evil Horde
has subclassc/Masters of the Universe Heroic Warriors
has subclassc/Masters of the Universe Snake Men
has subclasse/Copenhagen Masters
has subclasse/Masters of Darts
has subclasse/Masters of the Ancient Wisdom
has subclasse/[[Master of Work to the Crown of Scotland]]
has glossdeu: Ustad ist die persische Bezeichnung in Afghanistan, Iran, Tadschikistan, Pakistan und zum Teil auch in Indien (Devangari: उस्ताद / ustād; Bengalisch: ওস্তাদ / ostād) für folgende Berufe:
lexicalizationdeu: Ustad
lexicalizationdeu: Dirigent
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lexicalizationepo: majstro
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has glossfra: Maestro, mot italien, désigne le maître, parvenu aux plus hauts degrés de sa pratique artistique.
lexicalizationfra: Maestro
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Old French (842-ca. 1400)
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Old High German (ca. 750-1050)
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lexicalizationhrv: maestra
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lexicalizationind: maestro
lexicalizationkor: 거장
lexicalizationkor: 대음악가
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has glosslit: Maestro (ital. meistras, mokytojas) yra ypatingos pagarbos titulas (vardas, rodantis profesinį rangą), kuris suteikiamas profesionaliam muzikui. Šis terminas dažniausiai taikomas klasikinės Vakarų muzikos ir operos atstovams, o pats žodis, kaip ir daugelis kitų, kilęs iš plačiai pasaulyje paplitusio Italijos klasikinės muzikos terminų žodyno.
lexicalizationlit: maestro
Malay (macrolanguage)
has glossmsa: Maestro diambil dari bahasa Itali dan bahasa Sepanyol yang bermaksud "pakar" atau "guru". Istilah yang diambil untuk penggunaan dalam konteks muzik klasikal Eropah dan opera ini adalah dari pembendaharaan bahasa Itali yang diambil untuk penggunaan bahasa Inggeris dan juga lain-lain bahasa. Gelaran "Maestro" kebiasaannya diberi kepada karyawan muzik yang ternama dan berpengaruh termasuklah penggubah muzik, pengarah muzik, konduktor muzik dan juga guru muzik.
lexicalizationmsa: Maestro
has glossnld: Maestro (m) of Maestra (v) is het Italiaanse woord voor meester of leraar. De term wordt internationaal gebruikt in de wereld van klassieke muziek en opera, vaak als respectbetuiging voor iemands prestaties. Ook in andere kunstvormen, waaronder beeldhouwen en schilderkunst wordt de term wel gebruikt. Tenzij ironisch gebruikt getuigt het gebruik van de term Maestro van groot respect voor de aangesprokene.
lexicalizationnld: Maestro
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Occitan (post 1500)
lexicalizationoci: mèstre
has glossspa: En música, se llama maestro no solo a los que enseñan este arte, sino también a todos los compositores en general y en especial a los de óperas o drama líricos. También se da el nombre de Maestro al que dirige a los músicos y cantores de las óperas aun cuando no sea el compositor de ellas.
lexicalizationspa: Maestro
has glossswe: För kontokortet, se Maestro-kort Maestro, av italienskans maestro magister, med samma betydelse, är på många språk ett vanligt tilltalsord till dirigenter.
lexicalizationswe: Maestro
lexicalizationtur: orkestra þefi
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has glossukr: Учи́тель — спеціаліст, який проводить навчальну та виховну роботу з учнями в загальноосвітніх школах різних типів.
lexicalizationukr: Учитель
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media:imgПамятник учителю у подвірї Ніжинського педуніверситету.JPG


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