ita: causa

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means(noun) the relation between causes and effects
means(noun) reason; "there was no occasion for complaint"
means(noun) any entity that produces an effect or is responsible for events or results
cause, causal agent, causal agency
means(noun) the cause or intention underlying an action or situation, especially in the phrase `the whys and wherefores'
wherefore, why
means(noun) events that provide the generative force that is the origin of something; "they are trying to determine the cause of the crash"
means(noun) a judicial proceeding brought by one party against another; one party prosecutes another for a wrong done or for protection of a right or for prevention of a wrong
legal action, action, action at law
means(noun) a justification for something existing or happening; "he had no cause to complain"; "they had good reason to rejoice"
reason, cause, grounds


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